I haven’t done a deep dive into your list yet, but I’m sure a lot of my faves will be on it! What I wanted to comment on was the idea of caring about what other people think about the music you like. I’d like to question that reasoning a little bit, or maybe it’s just semantics, but my feeling is that creating lists like this and posting them means that you do care on some level what readers of your list think. I know I do. That doesn’t mean that I want them to like what I like, it just means that I care, I want to feel a sense community and camaraderie. That’s very different than needing to get validation from other people on the music that you like. My sense is that we are on the same page, I just feel like phrasing it as “I don’t care“ sat with me a little uneasily.

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That’s a great point Steve, and you’re right, definitely a semantics issue. Perhaps more properly phrased would have been that it doesn’t bother me if people don’t like the music I like. That idea of being validated by other people used to carry a lot of weight with me. It no longer does.

Clearly music is a cornerstone of my life and I like to share that passion with like-minded people. The community I’ve found here on Substack has been very much in that vein of people openly sharing their passion with each other about what music turns them on. And I love that there’s no trolling here. Well, I’m aware that it exists, but I haven’t witnessed it first hand. It’s refreshing to share space with people honestly and openly engaging and having differences of opinion, but doing so respectfully.

Thanks for raising the question, particularly given that my wording made you uneasy. Perhaps a bit clumsily stated on my part, but I think we’re on the same page.

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Great list and a huge +1 to no longer caring what people think about the music you enjoy. It's quite freeing.

That Palm Ghosts record is fantastic! "Automtaic For The Modern Age" was one of my favorite songs to come out this year.

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The not caring thing is EXTREMELY liberating! Thanks to you for putting Palm Ghosts on my radar. If I’d had a few more months with it I’m sure it would’ve ranked higher.

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What an interesting selection! Especially these 2 resonated with me: Fenne Lily - Big Picture and Alanna Royale - Trouble Is. Thanks for sharing these and for the kind reminder at the end 🙏

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P.S. Happy to read you freed yourself from the shackles of other people's opinions. I think the most important thing is to seek validation from within yourself rather than from outside. I am always curious how others perceive what I admire, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying what I like if they don't agree with me. Moments of compatibility feel awesome, sure, but If I was guided by the tastes of others when recommending music, it would lose the key ingredient - authenticity.

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Thanks Stygi, glad you enjoyed the picks! That Fenne Lily is such a fantastic album. It was in my top 20 for quite a while but then more and more good music kept arriving. I do like sharing the music I enjoy, and it is nice hearing what people think. But I’m growing into the place where I can be my most authentic and honest self and say what I like without regard to others’ opinions. Not that I don’t care what they think, but that I don’t need to be defined by it.

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