As a native of Winnipeg, I am naturally acquainted with Mr. Cummings' song catalogue, and "Stand Tall" stands out as a showcase for his soulful voice.

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It certainly does!!

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Congratulations, Mark! I love the authenticity of your writing and the beautiful place you’ve crafted out of this space. I’m looking forward to enjoying what you’ve got in store for the future!

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Thanks Andres! I really appreciate your support over the past year!

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LOVE Aimee Mann! Got into her after her I'm With Stupid album and have been a big fan ever since. Other favorites here are Stand Tall, Save a Prayer, and Sex & Candy.

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I super LOVE Aimee Mann!! Love Semisonic and love that another song from your wedding CD is on your list!

Save a Prayer is my second favorite from Rio - second to The Chauffeur. I have this album on vinyl and have been listening to it lately!

Shake the Disease is a great one!! Initially I was commenting that I owned this one on vinyl too, but it’s Black Celebration (also have a few others, but not The Singles 81-85). I played Stripped this past Wednesday at a brewery vinyl night!

Sex & Candy is a great one! Also, love to see Staind on the list again! I will have to give the rest a listen!

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Aimee Mann is fantastic isn’t she? I don’t remember The Chauffeur from Rio, will have to revisit that album as it’s been a LOOONG time!

Those two DM singles compilations were great and Stripped is such a great song. Have you ever heard Rammstein’s cover?

If you haven’t heard Stand Tall you need to give it a listen. It’s a stone cold classic and Burton Cummings’ voice is amazing.

Also, the video for The Tea Party’s Save Me is worth checking out for the drumming alone. A great song and excellent album.

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I loved your intro so much that I had to come comment before I get distracted by your list!

I too have a “solid track record of starting but not finishing things.” Totally due to my ADHD!! I started my substack back in 2019? I keep intending to make a schedule and stick to it, but still struggle with that! My list of interests sounds a lot like yours! LOL! I’m close to making a scheduled post commitment to myself!! Hahaha!

I too have enjoyed the comment section of so many of the substacks I read!! It’s a pleasure and such a great community!!

I am super excited about your next project of essays on songs!!! This is something I have thought about as well! And I LOVE reading essays like that!! I’m looking forward to reading yours when you start!

I’ll be back after I see what’s on your list this week!

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Thanks for your engagement and support Kristin, I appreciate it. While my ADHD has at times been a superpower (hyperfocus when working) it’s also led to a bunch of false starts in life. But that’s okay. The Alphabet Soup series has kinda required me to keep posting weekly because, realistically, if I miss a week the whole thing might be over!

I’m a little nervous but also very much looking forward to these essays as a way to stretch myself and to put more of myself out there. We’ll see how it goes!!

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